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Colombia: "I met the evil"

Manuscript in 

Machine translation with

SEMANA published the testimony of a veteran who has the incredible crueltywith which Hector Buitrago and his sons, Martin Llanos and Knight, put together one of the largest in the country's paramilitary groupsRecruits were forced to 'peck' bodies and killed them in practice.
Saturday February 11, 2012

I was born in Puerto Gaitan, Meta, in 1985. I grew up doing farm work. I love animals. The city almost do not like. When I was 7 I went to school and at 9 I left. I could never catch up.When I was about 15 I became a cowboy. Until then I had never seen violence.

I started when I went to see her arms and knew evil. I was 16. I had never desired it. But one look to another with a gun and says, "Look how smooth win silver and look how I have to work to me." At last I decided and went, thinking that the work was more gentle, a good life, and only clean rifle out there. But when training began, things were very different from what I imagined.In the course mine were 220, including 15 women. Many people were crying because they had been brought in overnight. Casanare taken as 150, mostly by force. After that course was when the organization began to grow in Meta, because when I arrived, there were only 180 men of Buitrago. Buitrago was the dad, Don Hector, and two sons, Martin (Llanos) and Horse. As early as two or three years could come to have about 5,000 men. I say this because when I became commander of counterinsurgency, met us at 100 or 200 commanders and second in command and a counterinsurgency is 40 men. But just as I was entering people, was dying.TrainingIn the training that most caught my attention was that killed the course. It lasted a month. It was at The Stumble, on the side of St. Martin. One would Boolean much lead. If you did not run him killed. Two peladitos flies were asleep and killed them. One was 17 and 25. We had to run in zigzag in an obstacle course and we shoot up.That was to begin four days of instruction. It was terrifying. All I knew I was not coming home. When one is going to go blind, do not get advice from anyone, and when he thinks different is there but can not get out.In training a total of about 15 died. To a Chinese was killed in a river. It was bare I had a very good performance, and decent. The commanders wanted to sleep with her and she told the alias Commander 800 that she did not come to bed with each other. He said: "There'll see." She stood and left. The next day we played 'pasopista' (obstacle course).When she was passing the manila balance on the river, he fell. The commander ordered her to kill because it did not exercise.Others were killed because they served. People who came with a foot fucked and could not boliar equipment, for example. To these people the arrumaban on a ranch to cook, telling them that they were going to retreat and was a lie, the iban iban pulling and killing.There was a gentleman of 40 who had a bad leg. And one day they called, they would kill a cow. And the cow was him.In other courses, he began to grow the organization, one looked one day that took a small group of ten boys all supposedly skinny for a workout and did not return three or four.A lot of the pecking order not to open a large hole. I never pique anyone. Which is paler in that it touches. The first thing that stung my course I came to women. I touched his arm arm chop. Some were thrown to faint. But there was not whether wanted or not. They all play or do not die. The same instructor taught that military. Killed on the spot where one would say "remove an arm," "Take one leg", she took off with Cleaver, were taking off the bones and throwing them into the river and others were buried. The arm he departed into two partsAt the time he runs at you as a chill through the body, but the pod is that it will not send one because it is harder than one would touch it. Because if you see others do, done. The first time we were there watching all four peeled chicoteando. All silent, because nobody can say anything. Some watched because they were not printing. But the incredible thing is the beginning, because after going back as very common. And one takes it as if despresando a cow. The only thing you think after you have not kill you.Some courses also got to try them human flesh. In mine no. I tried it and then out of curiosity. A commander who worked with us said, bring a piece of meat to try. The boy had been killed because he had been insubordinate to a commander. I ate and tasted normal.This is fried. After that I did not see that.That sometimes turned a very strange recocha. Also, recocha, began to take blood. Just cut to the people and streams of blood and put out his hand and took it."The craziness'For all these deaths, began a bowling very boar. People like that they got the devil and started messing up. They threw themselves against trees to kill and when they awoke, asked "what did happen?" Did not remember anything. As souls that are left of those bodies, which are fired and those spirits are hovering. And that was what got them to people. I panicked because I thought that only existed on TV when you look fantasies, but here one sees with his own eyes.The last time I looked that was in the Casanare, which happened to three old. It was in 2004, I started at six in the afternoon until 12 at night and had to tie them and throw them to a stream of cold water. There they took away the craziness. First they fainted, and when raised, was like a horror and a running back until they fell again, and when they returned asking themselves what had happened. Let go laugh like a man. I had to take a full week taking care of eight women. Never killed any but broke down a lot.And after that was common. When someone gave him said, "Go, tie him up, and when removing the craziness it loose and ready."ChildrenThere was rarely spoken. You could not talk because it was dissociated. Only one wondering why he had come. A colleague of 14 years told me that he had come because he liked guns. Others had trouble with the law or did not have weapons work and sought to get money for the family. And there were many who were brought about recruiters misled or bad. Those recruiters were paid $ 200,000 for each Chinese brought. They said they would work on a farm or put up with hunger convinced it easy on the street. There were some children who sold candy in the center of Bogota and had brought. When they got there they realized. They sat to mourn. After being a free people to be under control, that is very hard.The least that I had was 13 years. A prominent Chinese, because the bare little more than the old warrior, is ready to kill anyone, more practical for fighting, although it lacks skill soon because it is a person who has not seen anything in the world. Although he had recruited, most children I met there enjoyed the war.CocaWhen we finished the training and swear and throw a flag to the counterinsurgency. I had to do good things and bad. Tired in my life things changed, the mentality will change much. I was in a regime in which what he said he had to. Today someone raises his voice or is going to push around, one is not going to leave, because the mentality of one is over as another limit.The commander reported to employers, Don Hector and horse, the other his son. Because Martin sent in Casanare and Meta Knight sent in with dad.The motto is to fight, clean area, put the civilian people next to us, and had not infiltrated by the guerrillas in areas where we were. But after the cocaine was ideal, and that we care about that. "For a Colombia free" (slogan of self-defense), but after the cocaine was ideal.We were in Mapiripán, Meta, in the Cooperative. From there we played pa'lante the fight with the guerrillas. One that is caring for the base, the purchase of the same organization and there is spent to process and removed. One fight against the guerrillas, but always cares for the coca-growing area. We played out shipments. The counter is the fight to defend the area. You realize what drew the people. Came a truck carrying bananas and five bags of silver and Chinese escort is that while buying cocaine.The controlWhen he was already 17, and spent seven months in the organization, I got a command of a squad (was ten). I had to get people 40 years and looked at you like a pie. At first I did have my prices by the pod. For one so young and older people send you. You when commander thinks how the fight, because it traumatizes a little while you take the shot, but the rest is sent, so and so bring water, bring food. A commander does not work, just wait for the red lead. Bringing food to an old one. There are old men who were in jail, because that is maluco because a culicagado sending.Physically did not train. He gained weight. But at the time of the operations was again weak, because endures hungry.The warFight, fight, I have ever put his face that was like in April 2002: the hook, which were hard fights, this time we killed three Chinese, and seven wounded, and there was nothing guerrillas. The fight still lasted all day, one here and one there, pump after pump, cylinders, grenades he throws a guerrilla. We were doing when we rush by operating with them and we lasted about four days fighting. The hook of the Cooperative is down. Then we killed and four more, and thereafter only injured people because we withdrew. We saw very harassed because over there were many guerrillas. When fighting an entire afternoon as dry powder to a whole.That site was important because there will go down, had tired of coca is take the land and the sites where the drug, because that's where the money goes, he fought for that matter, and that the guerrillas out there was very cumulative.In the four years I was in the arms of this size as I had four fights, having these two, but hard drives, for short fights were about ten. Those were fighting against the guerrillas, who were until 2003 and until June.Then they started fighting against the Centaurs (Centaurs Bloc, Miguel Arroyave, with which the AUC of Casanare fought a bloody war). Urabeños told them they were of Uraba.That fight broke out, as far as people speak, was for power: the other land asked Don Hector, and coca. That Arroyave had ties to John 40, the guerrilla (Front 43 of FARC in Guaviare). Martin had about four meetings with the man and the man would not give in. That was in 2003 and could not fix and declared war. So many people died and nothing was done.The last fight was like in 2005, in July. Were 18 months of the war harder. A war between the paramilitaries and drug traffickers amazing. It does not kill a guerrilla and paramilitary groups. Imagine, the first fight I had were ten guys against a counter-Urabeños of 30 and we killed 25 guys.I think 500 guys had to die. This time of 100 men died that fight them, because then came the Army aviation, and we did not give us lead. Suddenly it was a mistake, because the Army had purchased Arroyave. Aviation only looked at them and hit them. That was the first fights in 2003, in San Martin. The latest fighting was in Casanare. ?CollaborationIn most of the people we worked with the Army: that I met in Casanare, in Tauramena, Monterrey, and the Meta, in Lopez, the police, and Mapiripán. In these people we worked with the law. The area of ​​Monterrey and Tauramena the Army did not, because he never fought with the guerrillas there. When was the fight with the Army did not put Urabá hand.He was always the same side and the police. You walk into a village, any 15, 20, 30 paramilitaries, that you look at leagues. Each one in its place. They entered the fighting.About three times in Mapiripán came to support us there, and we also help them because the guerrillas had taken the berraca.As always have a frequency of one another, and radio talk. One withdraws the troops of a sort, that the soldiers did not look at it and they come. One backed down and they entered.No moreI spoke with Don Hector, I said I did not want to work harder, let me make my life, when civil unable to back me for weapons. The last time I looked at that man was in 2005. The police almost killed me at that time. We opened three. At about 2:30 pm, we heard a truck.We spent the night santa stuck in the drain. The next day the same. And we went back to put a pipe down. We went to Casanare. Holy remedy, I'm not going to pick up a gun. I killed them, I do not work more.